Sunday 6 November 2011

The Learning Professional

One of the reasons I’m so excited about becoming an information professional is the culture of lifelong learning. The librarians I’ve met seem to be enthusiastic and passionate, but cautious to a degree. They blend the academic with the creative, and traditional methods with bold new technologies. They’re always evolving, learning, teaching – which is something I’d like to aspire to.

Learning isn’t just about evidence-based practice, though that’s part of it, according to panellist Fiona Winston-Brown (Redcliffe & Caboolture medical libraries). It’s about experience, experimenting, developing your skills, and taking opportunities when you can. Jen Thomas (QUT) and Nova Watson (QUT, Rock n Roll Hall of Fame intern) encouraged thoughtful practice and out-of-the-box thinking. Jen’s position at SLQ allowed her the latitude to play within a physical and digital space. Displaying books by subject rather than Dewey proved popular with SLQ’s patrons. Jen was also able to push branding, promotional materials, and magazine subscriptions within the bounds of the APAC Design Library Project. I’d love to bring my marketing experience into the library, and design a program or space with patrons in mind.

Nova and Kate Davis (QUT lecturer & social media guru) emphasised that professional development is everyone’s responsibility, and it’s vital to be proactive. I’ve taken that advice to heart this semester, and have been mining (and contributing to) my PLN as I build up my network. Professional development has been a strong focus for me, from conferences to practicums to twitter and an article for InCite (January 2012). Kate says it’s important to contribute to the profession as learning professionals, and suggests reading to gain general knowledge, learn about current events, and predict trends.

I’ll be soaking up all the experiences I can, making connections, and sharing what I learn with other students and contacts. I don’t intend to stop learning once I have my Masters, either – as Nova says, graduation is only the start. I’m looking forward to putting theory into practice in my future career, and discovering new capabilities as a learning professional.

Workshop 5 - August 22 2011